Sun Command Solar Pannels

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Sun Command Solar Pannels

Enjoy your pool in the style that you deserve with a Sun Command SC Solar Heating System.
Sun Command’s highly successful SC Solar Panel is designed to meet the requirements of today’s need for heated swimming pools. The SC panel is long lasting, aesthetically pleasing, and highly efficient in it’s operation.
It is a fact that most swimming pools are used for less than 4 - 5 months of the year, and even in those few months grown-ups seldom use them. Why?
Because pools are simply too cold to enjoy. That is why pool heating has become so popular in recent years. With a properly sized pool heating system the season can be extended or even doubled, and the temperatures achieved are truly enjoyable. On average the temperature rise will be in the region of 8º C above normal pool temperatures throughout the year.
The Sun Command solar panel system is an efficient collector of the free energy available from the sun. The panels are mounted onto the house roof, or a suitable structure, and clean filtered water is passed through the panels during the daytime, by means of your existing pool pump.
The water passing through the panels collects the irradiated heat from the sun and is returned to your pool as warmed water. This process is continually repeated until your swimming pool reaches the desired temperature.
The sizing of an SC system is dependant on the size of the swimming pool to be heated. The larger the pool the greater the number of panels required. As a general guide the panel area should be equal to half the surface area of the pool to be heated. I.E. A Pool size of 8 x 4 metres = 32m² would require a panel area of ± 16m². Four (4) SC standard panels would cover this.
The SC panels are available in various sizes to suit different roof dimensions, so there is always a panel to suit any particular design of roof space.
Solar Panel with Kit
 About the... SC  Solar Panel
Sun Command’s SC Solar Panels are designed specifically for Pool Heating applications and are fully compatible with all types of filtration systems including those pools using Salt Water Chlorinators.
As the Sun Command SC solar panels are only engaged in circuit for approximately 8 hours on any given day, and utilize the same pump as the filtration circuit, there are no additional running costs. The pool timer is simply retimed to operate the filtration circuit during daylight or SOLAR GAIN hours.
Installation is simple and Sun Command through it’s appointed distributors, offer a worldwide Installation and Service facility to make the usage of SC system available to you TODAY.
Sun Command’s SC solar panels are made to last. Each panel is manufactured from Ultraviolet (UV) stabilized Polypropylene (PP) designed to withstand the harshest weather conditions, including Hailstones and extreme differences in ambient temperatures experienced during different seasons.
Any pool that is heated should incorporate the use of a Solar Pool cover to prevent heat loss at night-time or in cooler weather conditions. Sun Command offers a full range of pool covers, sized and shaped to suit your swimming pool.
The SC Solar Panel comes with a full five year warranty, which includes all manufacturing failures. Properly installed and maintained, an SC Solar system should give you years of trouble free operation.

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