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Swimming Pool Solar Heating
And Solar Blankets
Solar heating is a very desirable way to heat your pool and spa for one simple reason. It’s free heat. After the initial investment, the heat that raises the water temperature in your pool or spa is free. The sun provides the energy to generate the heat through the solar panels or solar blanket. Solar blankets also prevent massive heat loss. When a pool or spa is covered with a solar blanket, the heating cost can drop by 70%.
Use and Care of Your Solar Blanket
Solar blankets serve a very useful role. Retaining heat is the most important one. A solar blanket will also help raise the water temperature a certain amount, but if you are expecting a solar blanket to heat your pool to 90 degrees in March or September, you will be disappointed. You can, however, expect a modest temperature increase with your solar blanket. The following are tips and ideas that will prolong the life of your solar blanket and make the most of your solar blanket experience.
1) Getting Your Solar Blanket
When you measure your pool for your new solar cover, measure from the longest and widest points of the pool. Include steps and loveseats. When you get your solar blanket, it will be a large triangle. Lay it over the pool, bubble side down and leave it for a day or two before trimming it. This will allow the blanket to “open” a bit before trimming, giving a better fit.
2) Trimming Your Solar Blanket
After your solar blanket has sat out of the box, and over the pool for a day or two, it is time to trim it. Use a sharp pair if scissors or a razor knife. The idea is to have the blanket fit edge to edge, end to end. Cut the solar blanket all the way around the pool; be sure to cut the corners to the proper radius.
3) Storing Your Solar Blanket
The best way to store your solar blanket is with a roller. The solar blanket is attached to the roller with straps, and is rolled up when not in use. Most rollers have wheels that can be used to store the cover and reel when it’s party time or when you just don’t want it around. You do not need a solar blanket reel however. Most solar covers come with a large white bag for storage. You can just pull the solar blanket off of the pool, fold it and put it in the shed or garage. When storing your solar cover for the winter, use a swimming pool cover cleaner and deodorizer. Do not leave the solar cover out in the weather during the winter unless it is on the pool, in use.
4) Cleaning Your Solar Blanket
The best way to clean your solar blanket is to use a solar cover cleaner and disinfectant.
Wet the solar blanket and use your telescoping pole and your pool brush. Squirt the solar blanket cleaner on the cover and scrub. You can do this with the cover right on the pool if you want to. When you are done, get a hose and hose the dirty water into the skimmer opening. It may be easier to remove the solar cover from the pool and spread it out on the lawn. If you have a slope you can spread it on, this will make rinsing easier. For a quick cleaning, you can just hose off the solar cover while it is on the pool. Hose the debris right into the skimmer opening or into the corner and use your leaf net to remove the debris.
5) Getting the Most Out Of Your Solar Blanket
You can increase the life of your solar blanket by following a few simple rules. Never leave your solar blanket outside when the pool is winterized. Make sure you keep a chemically balanced swimming pool. Remove the solar cover when you shock the pool, and leave it off for 2-3 hours after any chemical treatment. Use a cover cleaner and deodorizer on a regular basis.
6) When Is It Time to Replace My Solar Blanket?
Your solar cover will not last forever. The plastic will begin to deteriorate after time. When the solar blanket begins to flake and get brittle, throw it away. The first sign of the end of your solar blanket is when the bubbles on the underside begin to fall off. Then you can use it to cover the firewood pile.
Solar Pool Heating Systems
Why Solar Heating?
As mentioned before, the best thing about solar heating is it is free heat. After the initial investment, you have free heat. You can’t beat it. You will not get the response you will get from a gas heater, but solar pool heaters will raise the water temperature comfortable for swimming and more. The response you get from your pool solar heating system will depend on your geographical area, the weather, the location of the panels, whether the pool is covered and the system you choose. According to the United States Dept. of Energy, solar pool heating is the most cost effective use of solar energy. Also, there are no expensive parts to replace, no pilots to light, no electronic components. And best of all, no expensive fuel to burn away.
How does Solar Pool Heating Work?
Solar pool heating systems usually have four basic components. The pump, the filter, solar collectors and a control valve. The pump takes the filtered water from the swimming pool or spa, sends it through the filter. The water goes from the filter to a flow control valve. The valve regulates how much water goes to the collector panels. If there is too much water flow going through the solar panels, the water will not heat as fast as it could. If the water travels slowly through the solar panels it will get really hot, then the hot water is mixed with pool or spa water, raising the water temperature. There are reports of “runaway” solar systems that have heated a pool over 100 degrees, so depending on the weather, your geographical location and the position of the swimming pool solar panels, you can get and keep your pool at your desired temperature. Solar heaters can also be used in conjunction with a conventional swimming pool heater, lowering heating costs by 60%-70%. The use of a solar blanket will double the efficiency of your solar pool heating system. Solar heating systems can also be used to COOL the pool or spa in certain geographical areas. If the pool is too warm, the solar system can be set to run during the night hours, and off during the daylight hours. This will lower the water temperature.
Care and Maintenance of Your Solar Pool Heating System
Solar heating systems require very little maintenance. It is important to keep your water chemistry balanced and your filter in good operating condition. Since the water that goes into the solar collector comes straight from the filter, if there is anything that bypasses the filter, it can potentially clog the solar collector. Water chemistry is just as important. Improper pH and calcium hardness can cause mineral build up in the solar collectors, and can also cause the plastic to become brittle. It is a good idea to use scale inhibitor on a regular basis to prevent build up in the solar collector.
Winterizing Your Solar Heating System
Most solar heating systems have drain plugs to remove the water. It is also a good idea to blow air through the collector to remove any trapped water. This is also the best opportunity to inspect the collector panel for damage or inspect the mounting. Make sure the solar panels are secure and ready for the winter. If you have any questions, please contact our technical support professionals for assistance.
Liquid Solar Blanket
Tropical Fish Liquid Solar Blanket
A chemical with high molecular adhesion, Liquid Solar Blanket forms an invisible layer on top of the pool water surface. When the water is calm, the molecules form a barrier to heat loss. Although it doesn't heat the pool, it does retain the heat from the day, or heat put into the water from a gas or solar pool heater. For more information go to our Liquid Solar Blanket page.